CALGARY – Winners of 2013 Ernest C. Manning Innovation Awards were announced today by Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation president Jennifer Diakiw.
The 2013 winners, from British Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia, share $145,000 in prizes. The 2013 Young Canadian Award winners from Ontario and Quebec share $16,000 in prizes.
Innovations created by the this year's Ernest C. Manning Innovation Award winners include:
The five Young Canadian award winners, two now in university and three still in high school, created inspiring innovations which were showcased earlier this year at the 2013 Canada-Wide Science Fair.
The 2013 Ernest C. Manning Innovation Award recipients are:
Dr. Patricia Lingley-Pottie and Dr. Patrick McGrath, Halifax, NS, co-recipients of the $100,000 Encana Principal Award for creating a social innovation, The Strongest Families Institute. The not for profit Institute provides distance services to families dealing with behavior, anxiety and bedwetting problems;
Dr. Henry Luo, Kitchener, ON, $25,000 David E. Mitchell Award of Distinction, for developing AntiShock™ Technology. Since its creation in 2006 by Dr. Luo in Unitron’s research labs in Kitchener, AntiShock™ Technology has been integrated into five million hearing aids, now sold in 60 countries. The innovative technology instantly detects and controls sudden and harsh noises – before they are even detected by the listener - while preserving a person’s ability to clearly hear speech and conversations;
Ilfor ‘Taffy’ Caine Davies, Oakville, ON, $10,000 Ernest C. Manning Innovation Award for developing Zafety Lug Lock®, a transport wheel locking device that ‘cuffs’ wheel nuts to create the required resistance to keep wheel bolts secure. There are now one million Zafety Lug Lock® devices on public and commercial vehicles;
Dan Eisenhardt and Hamid Abdollahi, Vancouver, BC, $10,000 Ernest C. Manning Innovation Award for developing Heads-up Display (HUD) technology which integrates state-of-the-art micro-computers into goggles and athletic sunglasses. Their technology is now being incorporated into eye wear by the world’s leading goggle and sunglass manufacturers;
David Drouin, 19, Quebec City, PQ, $4,000 Young Canadian Award for his 2013 Canada-Wide Science Fair project where he illustrated the potential of a relatively simple compound found in cinnamon, called cinnemaldehyde, in fighting off dangerous strains of E.coli bacteria;
Meagan Fabel, 17, Windsor ON, $4,000 Young Canadian Award for her 2013 Canada-Wide Science Fair project where her research showed how to enhance the low cost electrical energy output of the Gratzel solar cell;
Adam Noble, 19, Lakefield ON, $4,000 Young Canadian Award for his 2013 Canada-Wide Science Fair project which showed the benefits of using silver nanoparticle therapy as a new cure for cancer. Adam’s findings are now being researched as part of a Drug Discovery Program at Trent University;
Pierre Clapperton Richard and Francis-Oliver Couture, 17, Saguenay, PQ, co-recipients of $4,000 Young Canadian Award for their 2013 Canada-Wide Science Fair project, EffiClasse, an iPad application that allows a teacher to create a group and then control the information and view the group users’ tablets.
Ernest C. Manning Innovation Award winners are selected by a distinguished independent selection committee, supported in the selection process by experts in fields as diverse as medicine, genetics, engineering, industrial processes and social entrepreneurship. The Young Canadian Award winners were selected by a team of judges at the 2013 Canada-Wide Science Fair in May 2013.
The 2013 awards will be presented to recipients at the 32nd annual Ernest C. Manning Innovation Awards Gala in Calgary on Wed. Oct. 16 before an audience of 600 Canadian innovators and leaders from business, academia and government. Global Television’s Chief Political Correspondent Tom Clark will host the awards ceremony.
For complete profiles of the 2013 winners, please go to