BRITISH COLUMBIA The BC MUSEUM OF MINING at Britannia Beach has won an Award of Honour from HERITAGE BC. The award was made in recognition of work done on the rehabilitation of concentrator No.3. The 20-storey-tall mill is by far the largest and most visible landmark in the area, and its restoration has renewed the community's feeling of pride and positive identity, according to the museum.
The mill is designated a National Historic Site. Restoration includes new exterior cladding, replacement and repair of windows, new roofing and structural repair. Funding for the work came primarily from three sources: $1 million from the federal government, $1 million from the provincial government, and $3 million from industry and private donors including HALLBAUER FAMILY FOUNDATION, HUNTER DICKINSON INC, TECK COMINCO, GOLDCORP and ROSS BEATY. The Windows on Howe Sound campaign had more than 350 contributors and raised $110,000 for the project.
Pictures and details of the rehabilitation are posted at