March 24, 2022

SME’s Current Trends in Mining Finance Conference (CTMF 2025) Navigating Risks of a New and Uncertain Reality Connecting Mining, Finance and Engineering Executives TM
May 19 - May 21

CTMF 2025 is about trends and non-technical and technical issues and fundamental and financial tools and methods used that impact raising capital in the global minerals exploration and mining industries. Hear leading experts discuss how management, advisors, analysts and investors evaluate and use best practices and technology to anticipate, manage and reduce risks and costs of mining projects worldwide.
The agenda will focus on identifying, analysis and evaluating risks of finding, funding and sourcing critical, strategic, industrial and precious minerals. Also discussed will be the impact of divergent trends impacting mineral exploration and miners’ ability to raise capital and control costs, including shifting outlook(s), global minerals demand, near shoring of material(s), declining ore grades, regulatory policy, political winds impacting the green economy, etc. and their impact on mining and exploration, that have special, long term requirements.