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Circular economy challenge aims to repurpose tailings resulting from mining operations
September 6, 2018

Ennomotive, the leading open innovation platform for engineering challenges, just launched a competition to find new applications for waste materials and reduce the environmental impact of tailings.
Online, 6 September 2018. During mining operations, some metallic ores are extracted from the ground and reused, but other metals and materials are typically disposed of, which creates a serious environmental impact.
The goal of this competition is to find applications for the waste materials, mainly silica, but also smaller amounts of titanium oxide, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, and more (the complete composition and granulometry can be found on the full description of the challenge).
Indeed the circular economy model recognises waste materials as potential opportunities and, for this reason, leading mining companies are looking for ideas to repurpose these materials.
This online competition is open worldwide to any professional, student or Academia from different industries and technical backgrounds that want to propose a solution for this challenge.
Ennomotive offers €14,000 in prizes to be shared among the best ideas for this competition. Interested participants should sign up at and submit their solution before Oct. 15.