MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE NEWS GEMS 5.2 Released VANCOUVER, British Columbia GEMCOM SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL has released its GEMS 5.2 software. This version, which... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 12, 2003 | 1:52 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING NEWS New ERM Office Opens in Toronto TORONTO, Ontario The new offices of ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (ERM) are now open in Toronto. The 10 staf... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 12, 2003 | 1:51 pm
CONTROL SYSTEM NEWS Name Change at Honeywell PHOENIX, Arizona To better reflect its total process control solutions, Honeywell Industry Solutions has changed... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 12, 2003 | 1:50 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Noranda, European Goldfields, Timminco, Sulliden, Probe Mines, Wallbridge, MCK Mining, Tiberon Lars-Eric Johansson, NORANDA's executive VP and CFO, retired on Nov. 11. He will remain a special advisor to assist... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 12, 2003 | 1:49 pm
NET NITS Canada’s Mining Schools Bob Komarechka thinks he knows why so many mining school graduates leave the industry after relatively few years (a... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 12, 2003 | 11:55 am
DOING SOME DIGGING Further Reflections on Canadian Mining Schools Now that our readers have the October CMJ in hand and have perused the article by Brian O'Hara about Canadian minin... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:52 pm
NET NITS The Blues (November 05, 2003) Raymond Hietapakka disagrees with True North Gems' hoopla about its True Blue beryl:... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:51 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Hope Bay Gold Visible 1-km Below Surface HOPE BAY, Nunavut Deep drilling by MIRAMAR MINING has encountered visible gold in cores from 1-km below the surfa... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:50 pm
BASE METAL, PGM EXPLORATION NEWS Underground Program Planned at Norman SUDBURY, Ontario The Norman property, part of the Sudbury Joint Venture of DYNATEC (25%) and FNX MINING (75%), wi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:49 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Queenston Extends Duquesne West Zone ROUYN-NORANDA, Quebec QUEENSTON MINING has reported on the first two drillholes at its Duquesne West gold propert... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:48 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Solomon Active in Australia KALGOORLIE, Western Australia Vancouver-based SOLOMON RESOURCES hopes to strike it rich at the Kalgoorlie Southea... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:47 pm
NICKEL DEVELOPMENT NEWS Montcalm Mine Ready in 2005 TIMMINS, Ontario The appropriate government approvals are in place, and FALCONBRIDGE plans to have its Montcalm n... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 5, 2003 | 9:46 pm