OIL SANDS EXPANSION NEWS Suncor to Study Steepbank FORT McMURRAY, Alberta SUNCOR ENERGY is launching an environmental impact assessment (EIA) next month on the prop... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 22, 2003 | 3:13 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Wolfden, Osprey Gold, FNX Mining, Amador Gold, Everton, SouthernEra, Vannessa, Western Oil Sands Toronto-based WOLFDEN RESOURCES has named John B. Knapp as VP of operations for the company's Nunavut projects (Hig... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 22, 2003 | 3:10 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING The Low Road to Clean Water Here is an environmental dispute whose roots are over 100 years old. It involves TECK COMINCO's Trail metallurgical... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:13 pm
NET NITS Score Another One for Miramar After last week's round up of many gold properties having changed hands recently, Stephen Quin of Miramar Mining wr... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:07 pm
NET NITS Comments on the Drive to Save Energy Further to last week's comments about energy-efficient vehicles, Marc L'Ecuyer of Jacques Whitford Environmental, G... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:06 pm
POLYMETALLIC EXPLORATION NEWS Tulsequah Chief Assays Received ATLIN, British Columbia The assays are in from the 2003 drill program on REDFERN RESOURCES' Tulsequah project in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:05 pm
PGE EXPLORATION NEWS Agnew Lake Program Goes Ahead SUDBURY, Ontario Plans for the fall-winter exploration program at the Agnew Lake joint venture have been approved... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:03 pm
NICKEL EXPLORATION NEWS 2004 Program Set for Mel Property THOMPSON, Manitoba Next year's work on the Mel claims and lease will cost $600,000, says NUINSCO RESOURCES. Nuins... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:02 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Joe Mann Extension Confirmed CHIBOUGAMAU, Quebec Drilling has confirmed the extension at depth of the West zone at the Joe Mann gold-copper mi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 6:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS New Zones Found at Monument Bay RED SUCKER LAKE, Manitoba Two new gold zones have been drilled at the Monument Bay project, report partners WOLFD... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 5:58 pm
PGE PROPERTY NEWS Dynatec, FNX Gain 100% of Five Properties SUDBURY, Ontario DYNATEC CORP. and FNX MINING, partners in the Sudbury Joint Venture that operates the McCreedy W... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 5:57 pm
GOLD MINE DEVELOPMENT NEWS Veladero Readied for 2005 SAN JUAN, Argentina BARRICK GOLD of Toronto has begun construction of its US$455-million Veladero gold project in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 17, 2003 | 5:55 pm