POWER PLANT NEWS Finning to Supply Cogeneration Plant for Veladero Gold Project VANCOUVER, British Columbia FINNING INTERNATIONAL revealed that its Power Systems Division in South America has s... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 4, 2004 | 9:12 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS CIM, BC & Yukon Chamber, Glencairn, South-Malartic, Corriente, Dynatec, Nuinsco The CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING, METALLURGY AND PETROLEUM (CIM) executive director Jean Vavrek has announced the f... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 4, 2004 | 9:10 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Chile Hot for Mineral Investment (January 28, 2004) This is the time of year that awards are handed out, notably the Golden Globes and Oscars in the entertainment indu... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:57 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Chile Hot for Mineral Investment (January 28, 2004) This is the time of year that awards are handed out, notably the Golden Globes and Oscars in the entertainment indu... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:57 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Hope Bay Resources Boosted 25% (January 28, 2004) HOPE BAY, Nunavut There is great news from MIRAMAR MINING'S Hope Bay gold project in Nunavut: the resource estima... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Hope Bay Resources Boosted 25% (January 28, 2004) HOPE BAY, Nunavut There is great news from MIRAMAR MINING'S Hope Bay gold project in Nunavut: the resource estima... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Rehab Planned for Stock Mineshaft TIMMINS, Ontario Now that the results of the fall 2003 surface drill program are in, ST ANDREW GOLDFIELDS has dec... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:53 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS New Zone Named Bug Lake VAL D'OR, Quebec It's not blackfly season yet in Northern Quebec, but that may be the reason SOUTH-MALARTIC EXPLO... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:51 pm
COPPER EXPLORATION NEWS New Discoveries at Chester Property MIRAMICHI, New Brunswick New copper and polymetallic discoveries have come to light near historic producing zones... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:50 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Metallurgical Challenge Slows Pueblo Viejo Decision DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Vancouver-based PLACER DOME expects to make a development decision by mid-2005 on the Pueblo V... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:48 pm
OIL SANDS DEVELOPMENT NEWS Horizon Project Given Nod with Conditions FORT McMURRAY, Alberta The joint review panel of the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) and the Canadian En... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:45 pm
COPPER-GOLD PRODUCTION NEWS SAG Mill Failure Interrupts Ok Tedi STAR MOUNTAINS, Papua New Guinea Production was interrupted on Jan. 27, by the failure of one of the two SAG mill... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 28, 2004 | 4:43 pm