GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Resource Estimate Refined at Former Magino Mine NORTHERN ONTARIO There is gold in the former Magino mine near Wawa, says owner GOLDEN GOOSE RESOURCES. The update... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:22 pm
COAL EXPLORATION NEWS Sukunka Potential Scrutinized NORTHEAST BRITISH COLUMBIA TALISMAN ENERGY and WESTERN CANADIAN COAL of Vancouver concluded an exploration agreem... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:19 pm
SILVER EXPLORATION NEWS Latin American Project Upgraded ARGENTINA The recent silver price surge has led Vancouver-based SILVER STANDARD RESOURCES to "expedite"... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:17 pm
GOLD DEVELOPMENT NEWS Croinor Bulk Sample Yields Nearly 2,000 oz NORTHWESTERN QUEBEC The 20,000-tonne bulk sample from SOUTH-MALARTIC EXPLORATION's Croinor property near Val-d'Or... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:15 pm
URANIUM DEVELOPMENT NEWS Cameco Goes to Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN CAMECO CORP. and the National Atomic Co. of Kazakhstan (KAZATOMPROM) have formed a joint venture (Came... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:13 pm
POTASH PRODUCTION NEWS Thailand Plans Exports by 2008 THAILAND Asia, the world's biggest consumer of fertilizer products, may be able to supply itself with high qualit... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:11 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS No Garbage in Adams Mine TORONTO Environment minister Leona Dombrowsky and natural resources minister David Ramsay have introduced a bill... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:10 pm
DIAMOND RETAILING NEWS Aber Major Owner of Harry Winston TORONTO It's official: ABER DIAMOND CORP. now owns controlling interest (51%) of HARRY WINSTON INC., one of the w... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:08 pm
GOLD MERGER NEWS Wheaton River, IamGold Tie Knot (April 07, 2004) TORONTO Canadian mid-tier miners IAMGOLD and WHEATON RIVER MINERALS have agreed to merge, creating one of the wor... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:06 pm
GOLD MERGER NEWS Wheaton River, IamGold Tie Knot (April 07, 2004) TORONTO Canadian mid-tier miners IAMGOLD and WHEATON RIVER MINERALS have agreed to merge, creating one of the wor... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:03 pm
CONTRACT NEWS Aker Kvaerner to Study Vietnamese Project TORONTO TIBERON MINERALS and its partners have awarded the contract for the Nui Phao feasibility study to the Ake... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:01 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Dynatec, Shear Minerals, Blackstone, Truax, Viceroy, Gulf International, Tumi Resources DYNATEC CORP., which is transforming itself into a mid-tier minerals producer, has named Yves Fourmanoit as its com... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 4:55 pm