DOING SOME DIGGING The 3-Ds of Coal Mining Dark. Dirty. Dangerous. These are the three dimensions of underground coal mining. This plain reality was driven ho... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:34 pm
NET NITS Women in Science and Engineering The efforts of the Canadian Coalition of Women in Sciences, Engineering and Technology described last week have str... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:32 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Virginia Gold, Cree Gold Team Up NORTHERN QUEBEC In the spirit of co-operation rather than confrontation, CREE GOLD and VIRGINIA GOLD MINES have j... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:28 pm
NICKEL EXPLORATION NEWS Met Tests Resume on Weda Bay Ore INDONESIA Metallurgical testing of limonite and saprolite ores from the island of Halmahera shows promising resul... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:26 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Test Mining Continues at Fenelon Project NORTHWESTERN QUEBEC The joint venture of INTERNATIONAL TAURUS RESOURCES (62%) and FAIRSTAR EXPLORATIONS (38%) is... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:24 pm
GOLD-COPPER FEASIBILITY NEWS "Cautious Optimism" returns to Cerro Casale CHILE Vancouver-based PLACER DOME needs more time before it can give a green light to its majority-held US$1.65-b... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:20 pm
COAL DEVELOPMENT NEWS Expect Willow Creek Output in June NORTHEAST BRITISH COLUMBIA The Willow Creek coal mine belonging to Vancouver-based PINE VALLEY MINING will reach... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:18 pm
HEAVY EQUIPMENT NEWS Bucyrus Plans IPO SOUTH MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL is planning an initial public offering (IPO) of Class A common s... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:15 pm
DRILL RIG NEWS Atlas Copco Makes Inroads in Philippines PHILIPPINES Atlas Copco CS Series drill rigs are taking on the tantalizing geology of the Philippines. For the pa... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:09 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Fording/Elk Valley, Majescor, Slam Jim Popowich has been elevated to the position of president at Calgary-based FORDING CANADIAN COAL TRUST. He is als... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 14, 2004 | 3:05 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING New Directions for Women It's not that all the women are suddenly opting for traditional careers. It's that their numbers in engineering, sc... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:25 pm
NET NIT Where is Jericho? Further to last week's Diamond Exploration News, we received this comment from Lyle Steranko: "No mention of T... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 7, 2004 | 5:24 pm