QUEBEC EXPLORATION NEWS New Search to Focus on Rouyn-Noranda NORTHWESTERN QUEBEC The Rouyn-Noranda area was long a productive base and precious metals region. With luck, it m... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 12, 2004 | 4:55 pm
OBITUARY Francis Bourqui Well-known CAMESE staffer Francis Bourqui was killed in an automobile accident near his home near Ballantrae, Ont.,... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 12, 2004 | 4:55 pm
NEW BRUNSWICK EXPLORATION NEWS Slam, Stratabound, First Narrows in Hunt NEW BRUNSWICK The hunt for new deposits in this province is heating up. Whether for precious or base metals, comp... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 12, 2004 | 4:55 pm
NET NITS Those Pesky Decimal Points Last week we published nickel production figures provided by Natural Resources Canada. It turns out the tables from... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 12, 2004 | 4:55 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING The Pumped-up Price for Petrol Summer is coming and not only the temperature is rising. So are the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel. With the av... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 12, 2004 | 4:55 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING All Things Nickel I have nickel on the brain today. Specifically, I challenge our readers to recall in which year nickel was first pr... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm
NET NITS True North’s True Colours Faithful reader Raymond Hietapakka of cyberspace was interested in the news that True North Gems is hunting for rub... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Denison, Osprey Gold, South Atlantic, Cornerstone, Dynasty Gold, Afcan, EuroZinc DENISON MINES of Toronto announced the following appointments: Robert Dengler, president and CEO of Dynatec Corp. t... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm
COPPER MINING NEWS Aker Kvaerner Ahead of Schedule at Sossego BRAZIL Brazil's first new copper mine is up and running four months ahead of the original schedule, thanks to AKE... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm
GOLD PROPERTY NEWS Sigma-Lamaque Sold to Peggy (Witte) Kent’s Century Mining QUEBEC McWATTERS MINING plans to sell its closed Sigma-Lamaque gold mining complex near Val-d'Or to a division of... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm
MINING ROYALTY NEWS Peru, Chile Eye High Metals Prices (May 05, 2004) SOUTH AMERICA The GOVERNMENT OF PERU has presented a mining royalty bill to congress for debate this week. The in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm
MERGER NEWS Aur, Inmet Marriage to Create $1B Global Player TORONTO, Ontario INMET MINING CORP. and AUR RESOURCES, both of Toronto, have agreed to a merger of equals to crea... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 5, 2004 | 5:00 pm