COPPER-GOLD FEASIBILITY STUDY Corriente Forges Ahead with Mirador ECUADOR Vancouver's CORRIENTE RESOURCES expects to complete a bankable feasibility study for its Mirador copper-g... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
NET NIT Petrol Prices From knowledgeable reader Raymond Hietapakka comes this comment on the effect of rising gasoline prices: "Abou... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Queenston Returns to Kirkland Lake NORTHERN ONTARIO Toronto-based QUEENSTON MINING is increasing its land position near Kirkland Lake under terms of... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD-COPPER EXPLORATION NEWS Two Project Resources Tripled BRITISH COLUMBIA Resources at the Lexington and Golden Crown properties near Greenwood, B.C., are three times lar... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION NEWS Diamonds North, BHP Billiton Join Forces NUNAVUT DIAMOND NORTH RESOURCES and BHP BILLITON DIAMONDS have joined forces to hunt for diamonds on an area cove... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
NET NITS First Canadian Nickel Mine Peter Tarassoff has sent information about Canada's first nickel mine, and he should know because he "wrote th... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Honesty is the Best, but Least-profitable Policy Companies listed on public stock exchanges in Canada and elsewhere are required by law to make complete disclosure... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Queenstake, Kensington, Nevsun QUEENSTAKE RESOURCES, a Canadian company based in Denver, has named Rod C. McKeen its new corporate secretary, foll... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
VIRTUAL REALITY NEWS First Reconfigurable Visualization System from Fakespace FAKESPACE SYSTEMS of Marshalltown, Iowa, announced completion of the world's first reconfigurable immersive visuali... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
BOOK NEWS Blasthole Drilling Technology CMJ has received news of the publication of a new book, "Blasthole Drilling Technology", by Bhalchandra G... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
ALUMINA REFINING NEWS Noranda Buys Kaiser Assets TORONTO NORANDA subsidiary Noranda Finance of Nashville, Tenn., plans to acquire a 50% interest in alumina refini... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD MINING NEWS Rosebel Take Cambior into the Black SURINAME Montreal-based CAMBIOR INC. posted net earnings of US$7.3 million in the first quarter of 2004, turning... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 19, 2004 | 4:55 pm