GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS New Discovery at Casa Berardi NORTHERN QUEBEC AURIZON MINES reports that it has discovered gold outside the known limits of the 113 zone at the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
Cu-Ni-PM EXPLORATION NEWS Sudbury JV Plans $30 Million Underground, Study of Norman Deposits NORTHERN ONTARIO The Sudbury Joint Venture of DYNATEC (25%) and FNX MINING (75%) have approved spending $30 milli... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Indonesian Terrorists Target PT Inco Miners are aware of many risks in the course of their work. The possibility of underground rockbursts, potential ex... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
NET NITS A Pat on the Back for CMJ The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada and CMJ have a lengthy friendship to the benefit of both. PDAC p... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
MAPPING SOFTWARE NEWS Geosoft Launches Next Generation TORONTO GEOSOFT has launched the next generation of its core software for mapping and processing, Oasis montaj 6. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Kinross, Western Canadian Coal, Titanium Corp., TVI Pacific, Vista Gold, IMA Exploration, Ivanhoe, LaCoste & Romberg-Scintrex Lars-Eric Johansson will take up the duties of executive VP and CFO at KINROSS GOLD on June 1. He previously held t... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
SAFETY AWARD Diavik Wins Ryan Award YELLOWKNIFE DIAVIK DIAMOND MINES has won the 2003 John T. Ryan Regional Trophy for Select Mines in Western Canada... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
CORPORATE EARNINGS First Quarter Profits Jump TORONTO Our friends at CAMESE (Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export) have summed up t... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS Canada, Quebec Sign Agreement OTTAWA A new bilateral agreement between the federal and Quebec governments solidifies their undertaking a co-ope... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
COAL PRODUCTION NEWS Willow Creek to Make First Shipments in July BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver-based PINE VALLEY MINING says its Willow Creek metallurgical coal mine will begin comm... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
COPPER-GOLD STUDIES Northern Dynasty to spend US$20 million in Alaska ALASKA Vancouver-based NORTHERN DYNASTY MINERALS has committed over US$20 million this year to collect engineerin... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm
NICKEL STUDY NEWS Goro Work Again Delayed NEW CALEDONIA The Phase 2 review of the Goro nickel development, in which Toronto-based INCO LTD. holds 85%, cont... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | May 26, 2004 | 6:30 pm