EMERALD EXPLORATION Firestone Begins Work Near Finlayson Lake YUKON FIRESTONE VENTURES of Edmonton has begun its 2004 field season in the Finlayson Lake area. The company has... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
CORPORATE ACQUISITION WGI Heavy Metals to Own World’s Richest Rutile Mine SIERRA LEONE Incorporated in Canada and based in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, WGI HEAVY MINERALS has signed a memorandum... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Mineral Development Spurs Canada/U.S. Cross Border Dispute The world's longest undefended border, the one between Canada and the United States, allows free movement of pollut... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD TEST MINING Fenelon Ore Goes to Camflo Mill NORTHWESTERN QUEBEC Vancouver-based INTERNATIONAL TAURUS RESOURCES (62%) and its partner FAIRSTAR EXPLORATIONS re... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
SHAFT SINKING Lapa Shaft to Descend 2,700 ft QUEBEC AGNICO-EAGLE MINES of Toronto has awarded the contract to sink a 2,700-ft shaft at the Lapa gold project j... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
ECONOMIC STUDY Low-cost Copper/Gold Potential Confirmed at Galore Creek BRITISH COLUMBIA A preliminary economic assessment study of NOVAGOLD RESOURCE's Galore Creek project suggests tha... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
NICKEL RESOURCE New Estimate for Nuinsco’s Mel Deposit NORTHERN MANITOBA The updated mineral resource estimate at the Mel nickel deposit is 3.03 million tons (measured... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION Great Grades (51 g/t) Drilled at Three Bluffs NUNAVUT Edmonton's COMMITTEE BAY RESOURCES reports great gold grades from drilling at its Three Bluffs property n... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 11, 2004 | 4:55 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING The Dirt on Environmental Disclosure Canadian miners consider themselves good corporate citizens. They abide by full disclosure laws enacted by the secu... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 4, 2004 | 4:30 pm
MATERIALS HANDLING NEWS Goodyear Conveyor Strongest in World ALBERTA ALBIAN SANDS ENERGY, operator of the Muskeg River oil sands mine in Fort McMurray, relies on the world's... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 4, 2004 | 4:30 pm
FEED PUMP NEWS New Duplex System from Cole-Parmer COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. is offering a new line of duplex chemical feed pump systems that provide a complete pack... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 4, 2004 | 4:30 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS MIRARCO, Mining Association, Aber, Canadian Shield, European Goldfields, Southwestern, Newmont, Linear Gold, ValGold Dr. Peter Kaiser, president of LAURENTIAN UNIVERSITY's Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corp. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 4, 2004 | 4:30 pm