COPPER MINING Gibraltar reaches planned output BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver-based TASEKO MINES said the restarted Gibraltar copper mill reached 100% of the planne... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 20, 2005 | 6:00 pm
GOLD MINING Cambior buys balance of Sleeping Giant ONTARIO CAMBIOR RESOURCES of Montreal has entered into an agreement with AURIZON MINES for the purchase of the re... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 20, 2005 | 6:00 pm
MILL REOPENING Roxmark expands gold/moly plant ONTARIO Toronto-based ROXMARK MINES is upgrading and expanding its gold and molybdenum mill near Beardmore. The p... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 20, 2005 | 6:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Anatolia, Aur Resources, Jaguar Nickel, Komatsu, Lundin Mining, Seymour Exploration, Wescan Andrew Kaczmarek has been hired to conduct the feasibility study and mine development of ANATOLIA MINERALS DEVELOPM... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 20, 2005 | 6:00 pm
JOINT VENTURE Barrick, Falconbridge partners at Kabanga TANZANIA Two Toronto-based companies, BARRICK GOLD and FALCONBRIDGE, have finalized a joint venture agreement reg... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 20, 2005 | 6:00 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Costs take glitter out of gold mining The price of gold is enjoying its longest sustained rally in 30 years. It has climbed steadily from US$275/oz in Ja... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 20, 2005 | 6:00 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING – That happened … when? Many of us have children in university, and this is the time of year that we wonder how they are doing as finals ap... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 13, 2005 | 5:00 pm
COAL PERMIT – BC okays Wolverine mine development BRITISH COLUMBIA - The British Columbia MINISTRY OF ENERGY & MINES has issued a permit for of the Wolverine coal mi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 13, 2005 | 5:00 pm
POTASH MINING – PCS to spend half-billion at Lanigan and Allan SASKATOON - Following the implementation of recent provincial tax changes aimed at increasing potash production, PO... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 13, 2005 | 5:00 pm
NICKEL DEVELOPMENT – Japanese buy into Inco’s Goro project NEW CALEDONIA - Toronto-based INCO LTD. has sold a 21% ownership interest in its Goro nickel project to Japanese in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 13, 2005 | 5:00 pm
BUCKET TOOTH LOSS – Money-saving Canadian-made solution Losing a tooth when you're a kid meant enduring some pain, but at least you found a quarter under your pillow the n... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 13, 2005 | 5:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS – Falconbridge, Quest Capital, Fortune Minerals Effective May 1, 2005, Brian F. Kenny will be the new president of the Koniambo joint venture of Toronto-based FALC... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 13, 2005 | 5:00 pm