DRILLING – Anglo dumps Boart Longyear LONDON, U.K. - ANGLO AMERICAN quietly agreed to sell the BOART LONGYEAR GROUP, part of Anglo Ferrous Metals and Ind... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
CONTROL ROOM CONTEST – Foxboro seeks one in need of makeover MASSACHUSETTS - FOXBORO AUTOMATION is seeking the control room in a North American process plant that is most in ne... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
MINERAL PRODUCTION – Value of Canadian production up 20% year-over-year OTTAWA - NRCAN has crunched the numbers and estimated that the value of Canadian mineral production was $24.2 billi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
CHARITABLE GIVING – Children’s Hospital gets $1.2-million shot in arm VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA's mining industry has made a record contribution of over $1.2 million to BC's Children... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
SAFETY AWARDS – West mine takes mine rescue award, Williams wins Ryan trophy ONTARIO - This year's Ontario Mine Rescue competition held in Hamilton was won by the team from INCO LTD.'s West mi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
MINING & BIODIVERSITY – Input sought for draft document UNITED KINGDOM - ICMM has prepared draft good practice guidance (GPG) for mining and biodiversity through its dialo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN-UP – Canada, Saskatchewan to share costs at uranium mines OTTAWA & REGINA - The governments of CANADA and SASKATCHEWAN announced on June 17 that they have agreed to share th... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD MINE OPENING – Barrick starts up Lagunas Norte ahead of schedule PERU - On June 16, 2005, it was official: BARRICK GOLD said the new Lagunas Norte gold mine reached start-up ahead ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
SILVER DEVELOPMENT – US$225 million raised for San Cristobal BOLIVIA - Denver-based APEX SILVER MINES has arranged for a US$225-million secured credit facility for development ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
SILVER RESOURCES – Calcite Hill deposit tops 300 million oz ARGENTINA - Indicated resources at the Navidad project are now estimated at 300.7 million oz of silver and 1.27 mil... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD RESOURCES – Dozens of veins add up at Croinor mine QUEBEC - The most recent resource estimate for SOUTH-MALARTIC EXPLORATION's small Croinor mine puts contained gold ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – 14.9 g/t reported from Richardson Lake NORTHERN ONTARIO - From the same-songbook-different-page file comes word of excellent grades 100 km east of Red Lak... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2005 | 5:00 pm