GOLD PRODUCTION – Bellavista pours first dor bar COSTA RICA - On June 29, 2004, GLENCAIRN GOLD of Toronto poured its first gold bar from its Bellavista mine. Since ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD DEVELOPMENT – Kensington mine gets final permit ALASKA - COEUR D'ALENE MINES of Idaho plans to begin construction at its Kensington gold mine 45 miles north of Jun... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
TUNGSTEN DEVELOPMENT – Vietnamese production expected in 2008 VIETNAM - Toronto-based TIBERON MINERALS wants to become the world's largest primary tungsten producer with the ope... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
COPPER-MOLY RESOURCES – Sierra Gorda estimate hits 215 million tonnes CHILE - Vancouver-based QUADRA MINING released an independent resource estimate for its Sierra Gorda project northe... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – More work at Wood-Pandora QUEBEC - Results are in from the three-hole Phase 2 drilling program at the Wood-Pandora project in Cadillac Townsh... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – Ounces up at Detour project NORTHERN ONTARIO - The old Detour Lake gold property, which is being re-explored by PELANGIO MINES of Toronto, is s... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
SILVER EXPLORATION – Assay tops 9,000 g/t Ag at Ying project CHINA - Vancouver-based SILVERCORP METALS reports finding more extremely high-grade massive galena sheets at its Yi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING – Miners rely on Canadian exchanges Here is great news about Canada's mineral industry. Over half of the world's mining companies trade their stock in ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GIS SOFTWARE – Manage large data sets OTTAWA - AMBERCORE SOFTWARE, a provider of high-performance spatial decision support systems, unveiled its Amber iQ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT – Campbell Resources seeks CCAA relief MONTREAL - On June 30, 2005, CAMPBELL RESOURCES announced that the Superior Court of Quebec (Commercial Division) h... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
RESEARCH LAB – CANMET-MTL moving to Hamilton OTTAWA - Natural Resources Canada has plans to relocate its CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory to new facilitie... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm
IMPACT BENEFIT AGREEMENT – Victor diamond project covered NORTHERN ONTARIO - The ATTAWAPISKAT FIRST NATION has voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Impact Benefit Agreement... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 6, 2005 | 5:00 pm