FEASIBILITY STUDY Onca Puma nickel project BRAZIL The feasibility study of the large Onca Puma laterite nickel project in the Para State is complete, accord... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
FEASIBILITY STUDY Camp Caiman gold project FRENCH GUIANA Montreal's CAMBIOR INC. has released the results of a feasibility study on its Camp Caiman open pit... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
NET NIT Last word on historic mills "Having been in the mining business since 1957 and still in it, I remain disgusted with those that dump on our... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION Dizzy-ing kimberlite intersections SASKATCHEWAN There must be some happy people at Vancouver-based FOREST GATE RESOURCES. As VP of exploration Steve... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
BASE METAL EXPLORATION New interpretation of Sullivan Deeps BRITISH COLUMBIA STIKINE GOLD CORP. of Vancouver has completed a new review and interpretation of the Sullivan De... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
BASE METAL EXPLORATION Drill results from old Rambler mine NEWFOUNDLAND The province used to have more mines than it does today, including the old Rambler copper-gold produ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
BASE METAL EXPLORATION Boomerang assays 29% plus precious metals NEWFOUNDLAND If every deposit assayed like the Boomerang massive sulphide in the central part of Newfoundland, th... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Federal government pledges $150 million toward cleanup OTTAWA On Aug. 2 the Government of Canada pledged $150 million during 2005-06 toward the cleanup of 97 contaminat... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
DIAMOND MARKETING Fire of the North launched TORONTO - DIAROUGH CANADA introduced its new Fire of the North diamonds to the jewellery trade at the Jewellery Wor... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 10, 2005 | 5:30 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING The case for saving the Britannia mill The issue of conserving the historic Britannia mill in British Columbia has generated a number of letters from read... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 3, 2005 | 5:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS First Nickel, Lundin Mining, Richmont Mines FIRST NICKEL of Toronto has named John Haflidson, P.Eng, as its COO. His more-than-30 years of experience encompass... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 3, 2005 | 5:00 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL LAW No cyanide or mercury in Ro Negro ARGENTINA The use of cyanide or mercury to recover gold is now banned in the province of Ro Negro, effectively h... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 3, 2005 | 5:00 pm