NICKEL/COPPER JOINT VENTURE – Ursa, N.A. Palladium ink deal NORTHERN ONTARIO Toronto-based URSA MAJOR MINERALS INC. and NORTH AMERICAN PALLADIUM LTD. (NAP) of Thunder Bay, O... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
GOLD DISCOVERY – New gold find near Tulawaka TANZANIA - The search for a new gold discovery near the existing Tulawaka mine in Tanzania has hit pay dirt, says M... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING – Legal actions haunt Placer Dome Vancouver-based PLACER DOME INC. is facing not one but two legal actions announced this week. I cannot predict the ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
LEAD MINING – Ivernia opens mine in Australia WESTERN AUSTRALIA - IVERNIA INC. of Toronto officially opened its Magellan lead mine 750 km northeast of Perth on S... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
WASTEWATER TREATMENT – BioteQ signs on in Colorado COLORADO - Vancouver-based BIOTEQ ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES has signed an initial contract to treat water from the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS – Goldcorp, Alcan, Placer Dome, Maple Minerals, Augusta Resources, Northern Orion, Lexam Explorations Ian Telfer, president and CEO of Vancouver's GOLDCORP INC. has received Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year Aw... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
ANNIVERSARY NEWS – PR Engineering celebrates 40 years OSHAWA, ONTARIO PR ENGINEERING LTD., the "Rock Crusher Specialists Since 1965", is celebrating 40 years in busine... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
LITERACY AWARD – Diavik wins Conference Board prize YELLOWKNIFE, NWT - DIAVIK DIAMOND MINES is pleased to announce that the Conference Board of Canada has selected Dia... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
EQUITY EXCHANGE – FNX wants partner’s interest in Sudbury Joint Venture TORONTO - On Wednesday morning, Oct. 5, FNX MINING made a formal announcement that it intends to acquire the intere... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 5, 2005 | 5:30 pm
GOLD DEVELOPMENT – Pueblo Viejo gets nod, Cerro Casale on hold DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Vancouver-based PLACER DOME has approved development of the Pueblo Viejo gold mine to begin wh... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 28, 2005 | 6:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – Work goes underground at Russian Kid QUEBEC - Exploration is going underground to extract a bulk sample from the Russian Kid gold project, 35 km west of... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 28, 2005 | 6:00 pm
NET NIT – The concept of resources In the Sept. 14 Net News, Jane Werniuk wondered at the advisability of stating "conceptual" resource figures, that ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 28, 2005 | 6:00 pm