SUPPORT SURVEY – Locals want Idaho cobalt mine IDAHO - FORMATION CAPITAL CORP. of Vancouver says its local subsidiary has surveyed residents near its Idaho cobalt... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
MINING PROTEST – Ascendant camp in Ecuador destroyed ECUADOR - On Dec. 10, 2005, reports Vancouver-based ASCENDANT COPPER, about 70 people destroyed the medical clinic ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
BASE METALS PRODUCTION – European Goldfields ships first Greek concentrates GREECE - EUROPEAN GOLDFIELDS of Whitehorse, Yukon, says its 65%-owned subsidiary Hellas Gold has shipped its first ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
COAL COMEBACK – Xstrata interested in Cape Breton mine NOVA SCOTIA - The Nova Scotia government has chosen Swiss-based XSTRATA to revitalize the Cape Breton coal mining i... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – St Andrew update and acquisition TORONTO - ST ANDREW GOLDFIELDS is already busy working on two Canadian and one U.S. project, but to keep even busie... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – New Gold plans more work at Afton and Ajax BRITISH COLUMBIA - NEW GOLD INC. of Vancouver has made a non-brokered private placement that raised $4.0 million fo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
PRODUCTION TARGET – $50/oz for LaRonde gold ONTARIO - Toronto-based AGNICO-EAGLE MINES has set its sights on being one of the world's lowest cost gold producer... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2005 | 5:00 pm
ECONOMIC STUDY – Numbers at Meadowbank improve NUNAVUT - The updated economic study, done only nine months after the original feasibility study, shows improved nu... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 14, 2005 | 5:00 pm
COPPER RESERVES – Gibraltar up 30% BRITISH COLUMBIA - The strong price of copper is a boon to Vancouver-based TASEKO MINES, allowing it to announce a ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 14, 2005 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – Kimber studies Carmen project MEXICO - Vancouver-based KIMBER RESOURCES expects to complete a pre-feasibility study by April 2006 for its Carmen ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 14, 2005 | 5:00 pm
IRON ORE EXPLORATION – $12 million set aside for Mary River NUNAVUT - Toronto's BAFFINLAND IRON MINES is raising $12.0 million through private placement for further exploratio... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 14, 2005 | 5:00 pm
OIL SANDS EXPLORATION – Firebag east to be drilled ALBERTA - Calgary-based CANWEST PETROLEUM has raised the $15.0 million (and more) needed for Phase Two drilling of ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 14, 2005 | 5:00 pm