MERGER – Inco extends offer for Falconbridge TORONTO - INCO LIMITED has extended the period that its offer to acquire all of the common shares of FALCONBRIDGE w... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
NAME CHANGE – BCYCM becomes Association for Mineral Exploration VANCOUVER - The BC & Yukon Chamber of Mines (BCYCM) board and members have approved changing the organization's nam... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
DIAMOND PRODUCTION – Diavik output 7.74 million carats NORTHWEST TERRITORIES - The Diavik diamond mine at Lac de Gras produced a total of 7.74 million carats of diamonds ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
PROCEEDINGS – 14th mine planning and equipment symposium The proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2005) are now av... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
MINING SUPPLIERS – CAMESE Compendium available The CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MINING EQUIPMENT & SERVICES (CAMESE) is now distributing the 2005-06 edition of its "CA... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
COAL FEASIBILITY – Lossan study completed BRITISH COLUMBIA - The feasibility study on the Lossan coal mine project in the Peace River Coalfield has been rele... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
NICKEL RESOURCES – Crowflight files Bucko Lake report MANITOBA - Toronto-based CROWFLIGHT MINERALS has received the NI 43-101 report on its Bucko Lake nickel deposit in ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
COPPER-GOLD EXPLORATION – Mineralization confirmed below old Ajax pit BRITISH COLUMBIA - Vancouver's ABACUS MINING & EXPLORATION says it has found more copper-gold mineralization below ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
ZINC-LEAD EXPLORATION – Mantle extends strike at Akie BRITISH COLUMBIA - MANTLE RESOURCES of Vancouver says it has extended the strike length of the Akie lead-zinc depos... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING – The next generation of coal mining The safety of underground coal miners must never be taken for granted. The explosion at the Sago colliery at Tallma... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
ON-LINE INTERVIEWS – Videos of analysts, executives posted VANCOUVER - MINING INTERACTIVE, a Vancouver-based investor relations firm, has set up a library of on-line video in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 18, 2006 | 5:00 pm
SAFETY FIRST – BC renews commitment We extend our deepest sympathies to the families of those killed at the Sago mine in West Virginia. Mining is a clo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 15, 2006 | 5:00 pm