MINE REOPENING – Blue Note sets sights on Caribou and Restigouche NEW BRUNSWICK - Montreal-based BLUE NOTE METALS is making plans to raise at least $50 million for the reopening of ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 29, 2006 | 9:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – Old Ketza River mine has potential YUKON - There may yet be recoverable gold at the former Ketza River mine near Ross River. YGC RESOURCES of Vancouve... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 29, 2006 | 9:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Freegold, Gartner Lee, Wentworth Energy, Shore Gold, Fortune Minerals Vancouver-based FREEGOLD VENTURES has named Michael P. Gross the company's new VP exploration. He has held several ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
DRILL BITS – Vulcan 16-mm gets 1,012-metre workout NORTHERN QUEBEC - MERCIER DRILLING has been testing the new 16-mm Vulcan drill bit in the James Bay region. What th... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
POWER GENERATION – Hillsborough plans coal-fired plant BRITISH COLUMBIA - Vancouver-based HILLSBOROUGH RESOURCES and AES PACIFIC have proposed building a coal-fired gener... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
COAL SALES – Fording looks ahead to 2006 CALGARY - FORDING CANADIAN COAL TRUST says its operating subsidiary ELK VALLEY COAL has completed approximately 80%... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
WARRANTS OFFERED – Goldcorp to raise US$460M TORONTO - GOLDCORP is raising the money it needs to repay credit facilities that will be drawn down to acquire cert... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
CORPORATE EARNINGS – HudBay sets record WINNIPEG - HUDBAY MINERALS has posted record earnings of $85.2 million or $1.04/share for the 2005 calendar year. T... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
IRON ORE DEVELOPMENT – Hope Downs application submitted WESTERN AUSTRALIA - The mine development application for the Hope Downs iron ore project has been submitted to the ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
COAL SAFETY SEMINAR – First-ever slated for April 20-21 WEST VIRGINIA - The WHEELING JESUIT UNIVERSITY in Wheeling is hosting what it calls the first-ever International Mi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION – Star valuation sets at US$173/ct NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN - The results are in from the Early Joli Fou kimberlite breccia sample collected by SHORE GOL... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 22, 2006 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – Work at Lamaque goes underground NORTHERN QUEBEC - CENTURY MINING CORP. of Blaine, Wash., has begun a three-phase underground exploration and develo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 22, 2006 | 5:00 pm