DOING SOME DIGGING – Who makes the rules about risk? A new aspect of risk is emerging for Canadian companies working in foreign lands. It comes from the Ontario Superio... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 2, 2006 | 5:00 pm
ALUMINUM FINANCING – Rusal raises US$2.6 billion MOSCOW - RUSAL, the world's third largest aluminum producer, has closed a record-breaking syndicated credit facilit... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS – Blue Note, North American Tungsten, Oremex, Norsemont and Western Keltic BLUE NOTE METALS of Montreal is pressing ahead with plans to reopen the Caribou and Restigouche mines in New Brunsw... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
MINERAL PROCESSING – New copper technology for Spanish plant SPAIN - OUTOKUMPU TECHNOLOGY of Finland will supply hydrometallurgical technology for Cobre Las Cruces, a subsidiar... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
OIL SANDS DEVELOPMENT – Horizon ahead of schedule ALBERTA - CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES (CNRL) of Calgary is ahead of schedule on its Horizon oil sands project near F... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
COAL RESOURCES – Quinsam North numbers released BRITISH COLUMBIA - Vancouver-based HILLSBOROUGH RESOURCES has released numbers for its Quinsam North underground th... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION – Freegold digs deep in Idaho IDAHO - FREEGOLD VENTURES of Vancouver is nothing if not patient when it comes to mining gold in Idaho. It is plann... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
DRILL BITS – Atlas Copco Secoroc evolves LIVELY, Ontario - Beginning on Aug.15, 2006, ATLAS COPCO SECOROC rock drilling tools will be painted yellow, rather... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2006 | 5:00 pm
DIAMOND MERGER-GO-ROUND – Stornoway hunting for Ashton and Contact Diamond (July 26, 2006) VANCOUVER - STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP. has offered to acquire two other diamond exploration companies, ASHTON MINING O... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
GOLD MERGER-GO-ROUND – Barrick steps into NovaGold/ Pioneer fray TORONTO - Last week our readers learned that NOVAGOLD and PIONEER METALS (both of Vancouver) had been squabbling ov... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
BASE METALS MERGER-GO-ROUND – Inco et al. The war of words swirling around the INCO, FALCONBRIDGE, TECK COMINCO, PHELPS DODGE and XSTRATA offers continues. I... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm
GUEST EDITORIAL – Mining Sector Faces IFRS Accounting Challenges TORONTO - The mining sector faces many unique challenges in interpreting and applying International Financial Repor... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 26, 2006 | 5:00 pm