PLATINUM GROUP EXPLORATION: New zone discovered at Lac des Iles mine ONTARIO - North American Palladium (NAP) of Toronto has discovered a new underground platinum group metals (PGM) zo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 30, 2009 | 5:00 pm
JUST CURIOUS: Tallest headframe We have had several suggestions from astute readers as to where the tallest headframe in Canada might be. I have ye... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 30, 2009 | 5:00 pm
HOT TOPIC: Termites as an exploration tool The examination of termite mounds in Africa and Australia has become a fruitful exploration practice. Besides termi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 30, 2009 | 5:00 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS: Canada Lithium, Minera Andes, Platmin, Rainy River and St Andrew Goldfields Kerry Knoll, former editor of Canadian Mining Journal, has been appointed interim president and CEO at Toronto-base... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
MERGER: Anglo rejects Xstrata proposal SWITZERLAND and SOUTH AFRICA - Rumours were confirmed this week, when Xstrata, the Swiss mining giant, said it had ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
COAL OUTLOOK: Teck, Hillsborough release numbers VANCOUVER - Both Teck Resources and Hillsborough Resources released coal operations guidelines and prices in the la... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
SAFETY AWARD: Raglan mine repeat winner in Quebec QUEBEC - The Raglan nickel mine belonging to Xstrata Nickel has been awarded the 2008 F.J. O'Connell trophy for exc... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
SAFETY WINNER: B.C. recognizes Teck’s coal mines BRITISH COLUMBIA - The Province of British Columbia has recognized two coal operations belonging to Vancouver's Tec... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL ACT: Canada adds tougher enforcement tools OTTAWA - The federal government's new Environmental Enforcement Act, which received Royal Assent on June 18, aims t... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
UF6 PRODUCTION: Port Hope plant on stream ONTARIO - Cameco of Saskatoon resumed uranium hexafluoride production at its Port Hope conversion facility in June ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
URANIUM RECOVERY: Aurora pilot plant reports 87.5% LABRADOR - The pilot plant testing ore samples from the Michelin and Jacques Lake uranium deposits, recovered 87.5%... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm
JUST CURIOUS: Where is Canada’s tallest headframe? (June 28, 2009) Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 28, 2009 | 5:00 pm