EMPLOYER RATING: BBA among Canada’s best MONT SAINT HILAIRE, Quebec - BBA Engineering has been ranked among the best employers in Canada by AON Hewitt,... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 28, 2010 | 5:00 pm
GOLD RESOURCES: Numbers updated at Casa Berardi QUEBEC - Aurizon Mines of Vancouver has updated the resources estimate for the Principal area between the Casa... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 28, 2010 | 5:00 pm
NICKEL REOPENING: First Nickel raises funds to reopen Lockerby mine ONTARIO - Toronto-based First Nickel is moving forward with a C$25-million equity offering. The money raise wi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 28, 2010 | 5:00 pm
REACTION: PDAC and MAC respond to defeat of Bill C-300 The following is the text of the joint statement made by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canad... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 28, 2010 | 5:00 pm
PERSPECTIVE: Moving forward after the defeat of Bill C-300 Canada's mining and exploration industry has prevailed. Bill C-300 has been defeated in the House of Commons. ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 28, 2010 | 5:00 pm
TRAINING: Simulator matched with Cat 793F truck ARIZONA - Immersive Technologies introduced its new PRO3 advanced equipment simulator to customers and Cat dea... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 27, 2010 | 5:00 pm
ENVIRONMENT: More birds dead after dip in oil sands tails ALBERTA - Just days after Syncrude paid a $3-million fine stemming from the deaths of waterfowl in its tailing... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 27, 2010 | 5:00 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION: Golden Predator raising $15-M for work in Yukon YUKON - Junior explorer Golden Predator of Vancouver is raising $15 million that it plans to spend primarily o... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 27, 2010 | 5:00 pm
LUBRICATION: SKF offers made-in-Canada circulating oil system SKF Lubrication Solutions has launched a made-in-Canada circulating oil system to meet the needs of customers ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 26, 2010 | 5:00 pm
MINERAL EXPLORATION: Agreement with Simpcw First Nation covers Blue River Ta-Nb project BRITISH COLUMBIA - Commerce Resources of Vancouver and the Simpcw First Nation have signed an exploration agre... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 26, 2010 | 5:00 pm
IRON ORE DEVELOPMENT: Tata Steel to take New Millennium’s DSO project to production LABRADOR and QUEBEC - New Millennium Capital of Montreal and India's Tata Steel have incorporated a joint vent... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 26, 2010 | 5:00 pm
TUNGSTEN-MOLYBDENUM DEVELOPMENT: Geodex, Northcliff create Sisson Brook JV NEW BRUNSWICK - Vancouver-based Geodex Minerals and Northcliff Exploration (a member of the Hunter Dickinson g... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 26, 2010 | 5:00 pm