Canadian Mining Journal Staff

Posts by Canadian Mining Journal Staff:

PERSPECTIVE: Consulting the public

Public consultation goes on all the time concerning mining projects, usually when comments are solicited on the environmental impact statement for a particular project. The EIS is usually complete, and the project owner has spent a considerable...

FINANCING: Richmont tops up treasury

MONTREAL – Richmont Mines has raised $26.0 million via a non-brokered private placement. In return the company has issued 5.97 million common shares at a value of $4.35 each. The company says its cash position is now $60 million and it...
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Orla Mining acquires Musselwhite gold mine

Orla Mining (TSX: OLA; NYSE: ORLA) has completed its acquisition of the Musselwhite gold mine in Ontario from Newmont (XTSE: NGT). Musselwhite is a […]