ALBERTA – Word has come down from Suncor's head office in Calgary that the company will not be proceeding with the $1-billion Voyageur upgrader project.
ONTARIO – The members of USW Local 2020-05 have ratified a new four-year collective agreement with Vale at its Sudbury operations. The agreement comes into effect on April 1, 2013.
HALIFAX – SNL Metals Economics Group has published its latest pipeline activity index for the mining industry, and the outlook is far from rosy. The PAI reached a three-year low in February. Equally alarming is that it declined 43% since...
Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore has become a director of Vancouver-based Astur Gold. The company is in the permitting stage of an underground mine at the Salave gold project in northern Spain. Moore has been a leader in the field of...
NORTH BAY, Ontario - To commemorate its 50th anniversary in 2012, the Redpath Group commissioned a book to share its story of becoming a truly global mine contracting and engineering firm. Several years in the making, the result is a large and...
VANCOUVER — Nothing draws Canadian explorers quite like an emerging mineral discovery that looks to have district scale potential, and that is proving to be the case with Fission Energy (FIS-V) and Alpha Minerals (AMW-V) Patterson Lake...
MANITOBA – Hudbay Minerals of Toronto has declared the first phase of commercial production at its Lalor gold-copper-zinc mine near Snow Lake. Starting next month, Lalor output is expected to contribute positively to the company's bottom...
SASKATCHEWAN – Mineral resources are growing at the McIlvenna Bay copper-zinc deposit at Hanson Lake, 60 km west of Flin Flon, MB. Owner Foran Mining Corp. of Vancouver says the indicated tonnage is up 15% and the inferred category up 18%.
TORONTO - Dominion Diamond Corp. has completed the previously announced sale of its luxury brand diamond jewelry and timepiece division, Harry Winston, to The Swatch Group Ltd.
ALBERTA – Coalspur Mines of Calgary and CN have signed an agreement for the transportation of thermal coal from Coalspur's Vista project near Hinton to Ridley Terminals on the Pacific coast. The agreement is for seven years beginning on...
ALBERTA – Industrial wastewater from a pipe that froze and broke at the Suncor oil sands project near Fort McMurray may have reached the Athabasca River. The leak was detected early on March 25, and it was stopped by 4 pm the same...
VANCOUVER — As many gold producers are plagued by rising operating costs and shrinking profit margins, Reno-based producer Argonaut Gold (AR-T) has proven to be an exception to the norm. Though the company boosted year-on-year gold...
Federal, provincial and territorial cabinet ministers responsible for the portfolios of energy and mines met at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) […]