MINING PEOPLE (October 31, 2002) DRC RESOURCES CORP. has appointed a new chief financial officer, Ian M. Beardmore. He has been a member of The Inst... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 3:57 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING (October 24, 2002) The mineral industry knows about taking risks. Every year we turn over rocks, risking our money that there may be n... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:37 am
DEVELOPMENT NEWS – Meadowbank Gold Project Studied Cumberland Resources of Vancouver is going ahead with a full-scale feasibility study on its Meadowbank gold project... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:36 am
EXPLORATION NEWS – Partner Sought for Committee Bay Committee Bay Resources, a member of the Northair Group, hopes to find a joint venture partner for its Committee Ba... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:32 am
EXPLORATION NEWS – Diamonds on Victoria Island Three kimberlite samples from the Hadley Bay project on Victoria Island have yielded macrodiamonds, report partners... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:31 am
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS – Moving Dry Materials Made Easier To keep dry bulk material moving, AVC Specialists has built the Hopper Hammer. It is designed to be superior to vi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:29 am
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS – Fast Fastenings Underground with Hilti Hilti has a productive to solution for installing ventilation curtains, cables or phone lines in underground mines. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:26 am
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS – Oil Sampling Made Quick, Easy Oil analysis is an excellent way of cutting equipment maintenance costs through early wear detection. Taking the sa... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:21 am
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS – Cutting Torch Approved by MSHA Petrogen's liquid fuel cutting torch system has won approval by the US Mine Safety and Health Administration for us... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:15 am
MINING PEOPLE (October 24, 2002) Glen Dickson has stepped aside from his duties as president and CEO of Cumberland Resources. In the interim, Kerry... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:08 am
DOING SOME DIGGING (October 17, 2002) Digging through the newsy bits that cross our desk, we were delighted to find information about Canada's commitment... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 17, 2002 | 10:17 am
MINE SITE NEWS – First Gold Shipped from Magistral Queenstake Resources shipped the first 254 ounces of gold from the Magistral joint venture in Mexico earlier this m... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 17, 2002 | 10:16 am