EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS New Bulk Loader from Dyno Nobel DYNO NOBEL NORTH AMERICA has launched the new DynoMiner APS (air powered system), a reliable, economical solution f... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 7, 2002 | 11:06 am
DOING SOME DIGGING (October 31, 2002) We are watching the rising gold price with great interest. Holding between US$315 and US$320 per ounce, the yellow... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:08 pm
CORPORATE NEWS Sherritt, Fording Face Off Ten days ago Sherritt Coal Partnership II, an alliance of SHERRITT INTERNATIONAL CORP. and the Ontario Teacher's Pe... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:06 pm
MINE SITE NEWS Remembering the Polaris Mine Teck Cominco's Polaris base metal mine closed in August 2002. It was the most northerly base metal mine in the worl... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:05 pm
MINE SITE NEWS Bullmoose Downsizes The Bullmoose open pit in Tumbler Ridge, B.C., will lay off 46 employees on Jan. 24, 2003. The mine is nearing the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:03 pm
MINE SITE NEWS Death at Con Mine On Oct. 29, MIRAMAR MINING CORP. reported the death of an employee at its Con gold mine in Yellowknife, N.W.T. Ceci... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:02 pm
DEVELOPMENT NEWS Niocan Advances Project in Quebec NIOCAN, which hopes to mine niobium near Oka, Que., has received a positive decision from the provincial public hea... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:01 pm
ONTARIO NEWS Taxpayers Overtaxed to Support Mining The cost to provincial taxpayers for supporting the Ontario mining industry has increased by 58% since 1995, accord... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 4:00 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS Sludge Blanket Level Control Markland now offers a sludge blanket level control based on a patented laser-like beam. Unlike sonar-based level de... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 3:59 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS Lubricant for Mill Gears Polyguard 4100, a synthetic open gear lubricant, can reduce downtime and scheduled maintenance while improving over... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 3:58 pm
MINING PEOPLE (October 31, 2002) DRC RESOURCES CORP. has appointed a new chief financial officer, Ian M. Beardmore. He has been a member of The Inst... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 31, 2002 | 3:57 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING (October 24, 2002) The mineral industry knows about taking risks. Every year we turn over rocks, risking our money that there may be n... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 24, 2002 | 10:37 am