EXPLORATION NEWS Governments Fund Globex Feasibility Study GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES has received financing from the Canada Economic Development Agency (CED) for Quebec Regio... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:21 pm
MINING NEWS Grades up at Claude’s Seabee Gold Mine According to its third quarter report, CLAUDE RESOURCES produced 11,100 ounces of gold during the period from its S... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:19 pm
MINERAL PROCESSING NEWS Magnola Plant Reaches 70% of Design NORANDA MAGNESIUM has announced that 23 of the 24 electrolytic cells are running at 70% of design power rate at the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:19 pm
CORPORATE NEWS Horne Workers Reject Noranda’s Offer Employees at the Horne copper smelter in Rouyn-Noranda, Que., voted 73% to reject NORANDA's latest offer last week. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:17 pm
CORPORATE NEWS Mazarin Joins COREM Earlier this month MAZARIN, of Quebec City, became a member of COREM (Consortium de recherhe minrale). The group a... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:17 pm
CORPORATE NEWS Boulle Wins Diamond Fields Fight DIAMOND FIELDS INTERNATIONAL, of Vancouver, lost its bid to stop a take over of the company by its largest sharehol... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:16 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS Gemcom Wins Brazilian Copper Contract GEMCOM SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL, of Vancouver, has signed a $167,000 software contract for the Sossego copper project... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:15 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS Petro-Can Oil Meets Cat Drive and Axle Specs PETRO-CANADA has launched the first Canadian-made final dive and axle oil that meets CATERPILLAR's new stringent re... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:14 pm
MINING PEOPLE (November 27, 2002) Oyvind Hushvod has been named to the board of Gabriel Resources. Mr. Hushovd is a retired mining executive having m... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:13 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING (November 21, 2002) The South African mining system is undergoing major reform, and everyone in the mining and investment industries wo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 21, 2002 | 9:04 am
EXPLORATION NEWS FNX-Dynatec Begin McCreedy West Program Sudbury Basin Joint Venture partners FNX MINING and DYNATEC have begun a $5.4-million underground exploration progr... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 20, 2002 | 4:13 pm
MINE SITE NEWS Mudflow Kills 1 at Antamina Compania Minera Antamina reported that a mudflow at its copper-zinc mine on Nov. 6 took the life of an employee who... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 20, 2002 | 4:12 pm