EXPLORATION NEWS Diamond Potential in Northern Quebec A new area with high potential for diamond exploration in northern Quebec has been found during a recent survey fun... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 3:59 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS Diamonds Found in Quebec ASHTON MINING reported that a 4.81-tonne sample collected from the Otish Mountains of north-central Quebec has an e... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 3:58 pm
MINING NEWS OntZinc to Buy Balmat Zinc Mine ONTZINC CORPORATION of Toronto is buying the Balmat zinc mine from ZCA Mines Inc. for US$20 million. Payment will b... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 3:56 pm
MILLING NEWS Sigma-Lamaque Mill Restarted The expanded Sigma-Lamaque gold mill in Val-d'Or, Que., is again treating ore. The owner, McWATTERS MINING, reports... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 3:56 pm
SMELTING NEWS Lead Output Cut at Brunswick Low treatment charges and the generally weak forecast for the lead market are blamed for NORANDA's decision to run... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 3:52 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Great PLC Technology, Funny Name SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC is now offering an ultra-compact programmable controller with features usually found only in lar... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 3:52 pm
MINING PEOPLE (December 04, 2002) David Berman was recently named chief financial officer of HEDMAN RESOURCES. He graduated from York University in 1... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 11:58 am
Doing Some Digging – A trip to Yellowknife It will not come as news to most of our readers that the diamond industry is bringing prosperity to the Northwest T... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 4, 2002 | 11:54 am
DOING SOME DIGGING at KEMESS I spent a day this week at the Kemess gold-copper mine in northern British Columbia. In getting information for an... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:24 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS Powerline Find Outlined by FNX-Dynatec DYNATEC and partner FNX MINING have announced the discovery of the Powerline deposit on the Victoria property near... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:23 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS Results from Afton Property in B.C. When the Afton copper smelter closed in 1983 and mining ceased in 1997, it looked like this venture had come to the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:23 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS Results from SouthernEra’s Millennium Platinum Project The Phase 2 drill program at SOUTHERNERA's Millennium platinum project on the Eastern Bushveld in South Africa bega... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 27, 2002 | 3:22 pm