EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES ABB Technical Report Highlights ABB GROUP has issued a new Technology Report providing leading-edge technology, Industrial-IT integration, for the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 23, 2002 | 11:53 am
PEOPLE NEWS (December 23, 2002) Danielle Wetherup, President and Master of the ROYAL CANADIAN MINT, has retired after eight years in the position. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 23, 2002 | 11:52 am
DOING SOME DIGGING A Lump of Coal The battle continues to rage between FORDING and SHERRITT over who will control Canada's second largest coal produc... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:43 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS Tulsequah Awarded Project Approval Certificate The Province of British Columbia has granted a Project Approval Certificate for the Tulsequah gold-silver-copper-zi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:42 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS Russia Beckons to High River Gold HIGH RIVER GOLD MINES of Toronto has acquired a 100% interest in the Berezitovoya project in southern Siberia, Russ... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:41 pm
EXPLORATION NEWS $5.3-Million Program Set for PGE Targets near Sudbury ANGLO AMERICAN PLATINUM and PACIFIC NORTH WEST CAPITAL have approved the $5.3-million Phase VI drill program on the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:41 pm
DEVEOPMENT NEWS East Amphi Positively Golden McWATTERS MINING of Montreal is the proud owner of a positive feasibility study for its East Amphi underground gold... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:40 pm
DEVELOPMENT NEWS Tiomin Gets Lease for Mineral Sands in Kenya TIOMIN RESOURCES began exploring Kenya for titanium-bearing deposits in 1995. Now, with four deposits identified, t... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:39 pm
PROCESSING NEWS Lac des Iles Crusher Back on Line The primary crusher at NORTH AMERICAN PALLADIUM's Lac des Iles mine in Northern Ontario, went down in the middle of... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:38 pm
DEVELOPMENT NEWS Falcondo Output Cut 30% Due to the interruption of crude oil supplies to its Falcondo operation in the Dominican Republic, FALCONBRIDGE has... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:37 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES QIT Upgrades Harbour Crane with ABB Drive & Controls Next time your large crane creaks to a halt, consider the solution that QIT FER & TITANE chose for its harbour cran... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:37 pm
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES High Performance from a Biodegradable Compressor Oil Compressor owners who demand high performance from their lubricants and want an environmentally-friendly product sh... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | December 18, 2002 | 4:36 pm