EXPLORATION PROTOCOL NEWS Rio Tinto Adopts Geosoft’s DAP TORONTO GEOSOFT has proudly announced that its data access protocol (DAP) has been adopted by RIO TINTO as part o... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 5, 2003 | 4:52 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS (March 05, 2003) Karlis Jansons is the new mine services leader for GOLDER ASSOCIATES INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS (GAIA). He has been wi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 5, 2003 | 4:51 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING The “Manley” Art of Budgeting Last week Finance Minister John Manley delivered his first (perhaps only) federal budget. And it didn't take long f... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:16 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Colchester Program Encourages Cornerstone, Sudbury Contact NOTRE DAME BAY, Nfld. Partners CORNERSTONE CAPITAL Resources and SUDBURY CONTACT MINES are encouraged by the 2002... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:15 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Table Mountain Looks Profitable TABLE MOUNTAIN, B.C. CUSAC GOLD MINES has reported that the initial engineering study looks positive for reopenin... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:15 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION NEWS Bulk Sampling Planned for Tahera’s Rockinghorse Claims NAPAKTUKIK LAKE, Nunavut The spring 2003 exploration program on TAHERA CORP.'s Rockinghorse property will include... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:15 pm
BASE METAL PRODUCTION NEWS Two-Month Shutdown for Kidd Zinc Refinery TIMMINS, Ont. FALCONBRIDGE is planning an eight-week shutdown of its zinc refinery at the Kidd Metallurgical Divi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:14 pm
GOLD PRODUCTION NEWS Placer Dome Outlines Plans for 2003 VANCOUVER, B.C. Addressing the Global Resources Conference in Tampa, Fla, Jay Taylor, president and CEO of PLACER... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:14 pm
PGM PRODUCTION NEWS North American Palladium Orders Crusher THUNDER BAY, Ont. NORTH AMERICAN PALLADIUM, Canada's only primary producer of platinum group metals, has ordered... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:14 pm
GOLD PRODUCTION NEWS McWatters Buys Up/Out Gold Mills VAL D'OR, Que. It looks like McWATTERS MINING is gearing up to boost gold production. The company has bought out... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:13 pm
MERGER NEWS Pan American, Corner Bay United VANCOUVER, B.C. PAN AMERICAN SILVER and CORNER BAY SILVER completed their merger on Feb. 20. The arrangement call... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:12 pm
SOUTH AFRICAN INVESTMENT NEWS New Legislation Topic of Seminar TORONTO Mark Monday, March 10 on your calendar if you want to know more about South Africa's new mineral legislat... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | February 27, 2003 | 10:12 pm