GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Juby Target of 2,000-Metre Drill Program LARDER LAKE, Ont. TEMEX RESOURCES of Toronto has a 2,000-m, eight-hole drill program underway on its Juby gold pr... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:53 pm
GOLD DEVELOPMENT NEWS Milling Equipment Bought for Bellavista Project MIRAMAR, Costa Rica With permits in hand and only project financing to arrange, GLENCAIRN GOLD has purchased proc... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:52 pm
DIAMOND MINING NEWS Aber Sells First of Diavik Parcel LAC DES GRAS, N.W.T. The Diavik diamond mine is most assuredly up and running. Co-owner ABER DIAMOND CORP. has so... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:52 pm
GOLD MINING NEWS Troilus Reserves Top 1 Million Ounces CHIBOUGAMAU, Que. INMET MINING has made the happy announcement that reserves at its Troilus gold mine have almost... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:51 pm
GOLD MINING NEWS Rockburst Reduces LaRonde Output CADILLAC, Que. A 27,000-tonne rockburst in two production stopes will have a negative effect (perhaps as much as... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:50 pm
LEAD SMELTING NEWS New Contract Ok-ed for Brunswick BELLEDUNE, N.B. Unionized employees at NORANDA's Brunswick smelter have voted 69% in favour of a new collective a... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:49 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS Inco Leads in Greenhouse Gas Reduction GATINEAU, Que. - INCO LTD. has won a Leadership Award from CANADA'S CLIMATE CHANGE VOLUNTARY CHALLENGE AND REGISTRY... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:48 pm
GOLD INDUSTRY NEWS Discover or Decline JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The consolidation of the global gold mining industry has masked its stagnation over th... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:47 pm
LUBRICATION NEWS Synthetic Offers Environmental Safety, Better Performance, Higher Profits The right lubricant for milling applications is critical to prevent untimely and costly breakdowns. Washington Mill... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:46 pm
MINING SHOVEL NEWS Second 4100BOSS Goes to Suncor FORT McMURRAY, Alta. SUNCOR ENERGY has ordered a second P&H 4100BOSS shovel for its oil sands project. Suncor als... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:45 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS (April 02, 2003) Joe Carrabba is the new president and COO of DIAVIK DIAMOND MINES, effective May 1. He comes to Diavik from his cur... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | April 2, 2003 | 4:45 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING – On a Busman’s Holiday The Net News is usually handled by our field editor, Marilyn Scales, and, as she is moving house this week, she has... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | March 26, 2003 | 4:51 pm