BASE METAL EXPLORATION NEWS McCreedy West Resources Expand to Reserves SUDBURY, Ontario The McCreedy West mine resources are growing and being upgraded to reserves. Probable reserves n... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:42 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Midway Drill Results are Promising VAL d'OR, Quebec Vancouver-based junior NORTHERN STAR MINING has reported promising drill results from its Midway... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:41 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION NEWS Eleven Pipes Found at Churchill Project RANKIN INLET, Nunavut Eleven kimberlite pipes have been discovered so far at the Churchill project belonging to S... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:40 pm
SILVER EXPLORATION NEWS Feasibility Recommended for Penasquito-Chile Colorado ZACATECAS STATE, Mexico A scoping study on the Penasquito-Chile Colorado silver deposit recommends the project pr... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:39 pm
DIAMOND DEVELOPMENT NEWS Environmental Board Okays Snap Lake Development YELLOWKNIFE, Northwest Territories The Snap Lake diamond mine proposed by DE BEERS CANADA is a step closer to pro... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:38 pm
GOLD COMPANY NEWS Red Lake Centre Recipient of Goldcorp & McEwan Gifts RED LAKE, Ontario The Municipality of Red Lake has received two major gifts for the Red Lake Heritage Centre Capi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:37 pm
DIAMOND COMPANY NEWS Diavik Auction Raises $24,000 for Local Charities YELLOWKNIFE, Northwest Territories DIAVIK DIAMOND MINES held its very successful Fourth Annual Charity Silent Auc... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:36 pm
QUEBEC GOVERNMENT NEWS Ministry of Natural Resources has New Web Address QUEBEC, Quebec The Government of Quebec has relaunched its natural resources ministry with both a new web site an... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:35 pm
PUBLICATION NEWS Get the Inside Scoop on Bucyrus MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin The first issue of "Inside Scoop", the new employee and client newsletter from BUC... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:32 pm
POWER METER NEWS PM800 Displays Three Phases at Once TORONTO, Ontario The new PowerLogic Power Meter 800 (PM800) features an easy-to-read display that allows users t... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:31 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS CIM, McWatters, QGX, Glencairn, First Point, MCK Mining, Ivernia, Goldbrook, Pacific Rim, GL Energy, Invensys Jean Vavrek is the new executive director of the CIM (Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum). He w... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 30, 2003 | 6:29 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Second Diamond Mine Shines in Canada’s North DIAVIK DIAMOND MINES INC. hosted official ceremonies on Saturday, July 19, to commemorate the opening of Canada's s... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | July 23, 2003 | 4:08 pm