NICKEL EXPLORATION NEWS Greenland Next Hot Spot TSIILAQ, Greenland With luck an economic deposit of nickel may be unearthed on the south coast of Ammassalik Isla... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:49 pm
ZINC EXTRACTION NEWS Hydrometallurgy Breakthrough from Teck Cominco TRAIL, British Columbia Four years of hard work by researchers at TECK COMINCO is paying off. They have developed... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:48 pm
STEEL PRODUCER NEWS Dofasco Leader on Sustainability Index HAMILTON, Ontario DOFASCO INC. has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for the fifth year in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:41 pm
JUMBO NEWS MacLean MEM 993 Chosen for El Teniente SANTIAGO, Chile CODELCO is in the midst of expanding production at its El Teniente copper mine. By 2005 productio... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:39 pm
BLASTHOLE DRILL NEWS De Beers Chooses P&H 250XP MUSINA, South Africa The largest diamond mine in South Africa, the Venetia open pit owned by DE BEERS, has ordere... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:38 pm
ELECTRIC MOTOR NEWS Variable Speed Drive from ABB MONTREAL, Quebec ABB has a powerful new IPSD inverter-rated motor to go with its low voltage NEMA motor family. W... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:38 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS FNX Mining, KPMA, Shear Minerals, Barrick, Beartooth Platinum, Admiral Bay, Largo Resources, APAC Minerals, Canabrava, Elgin Resources, Liberty, Gossan Resources, Southern Cross Toronto-based FNX MINING has announced that the Honourable Frank McKenna, P.C., Q.C. has joined the company's board... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 10, 2003 | 3:36 pm
OUR APOLOGIES The Gremlins Got Us We apologize that this week's New News is posted a bit late. Seems the gremlins (or IT maintenance team) got into o... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | September 4, 2003 | 10:42 am
DOING SOME DIGGING A New Season, a New Year Ahead I've been told that a change is as good as a rest. The same goes for seasons, particularly as summer winds down and... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 27, 2003 | 4:44 pm
PGE EXPLORATION NEWS Pre-feasibility Positive for Underground Mine THUNDER BAY, Ontario The pre-feasibility study, conducted by NORTH AMERICAN PALLADIUM for underground development... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 27, 2003 | 4:42 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Richmont Options Two More Gold Properties MONTREAL, Quebec The Hammerdown Extension in Newfoundland and the Camflo Northeast property in Quebec are now in... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 27, 2003 | 4:41 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Cambior Expands Program at Gemini-Turgeon CASA BERARDI, Quebec CAMBIOR INC. is stepping up its exploration program on the Gemini-Turgeon property located 1... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | August 27, 2003 | 4:40 pm