GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS There is Gold in Skukum Creek WHITEHORSE, Yukon Eighty kilometres south of here, TAGISH LAKE GOLD continues to encounter precious metal mineral... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:38 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION NEWS Shore Gold Building Dense Media Plant PRINCE ALBERT, Saskatchewan Saskatoon's SHORE GOLD is building a dense media separation (DMS) plant to process a... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:37 pm
GOLD DEVELOPMENT NEWS Joe Mann Mine Grows CHIBOUGAMAU, Quebec Work underway in the West zone of the Joe Mann mine has led owner CAMPBELL RESOURCES to annou... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:36 pm
BASE METAL PRODUCTION NEWS Bell Allard to Close in 2004, Perseverance on Hold MATAGAMI, Quebec NORANDA INC. announced yesterday that the Bell Allard zinc mine will run out of ore and be close... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:36 pm
GOLD PRODUCTION NEWS Kemess Recovers 84,132 oz in Quarter SMITHERS, British Columbia The Kemess gold and copper mine of Vancouver's NORTHGATE EXPLORATION produced a record... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:35 pm
ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS Barrick to get Veladero Okay SAN JUAN DISTRICT, Argentina It's official: Veladero will get its environment licence this month. Toronto-based B... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:34 pm
MERGER NEWS Blackhawk Shareholders Approve Glencairn Deal TORONTO, Ontario Shareholders of BLACKHAWK MINING have approved the proposed amalgamation with GLENCAIRN GOLD COR... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:34 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Kinross Sells Lac Rouleau Interest LAC ROULEAU, Quebec KINROSS GOLD has sold its 50% interest in four claim groups in Urban Twp. to BEAUFIELD CONSOL... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:33 pm
MERGER NEWS Kinross to Acquire Crown Resources TORONTO, Ontario KINROSS GOLD has signed a letter of intent to acquire CROWN RESOURCES CORP. of Wheat Ridge, Colo... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:31 pm
EQUIPMENT AUCTION NEWS First Quadrem e-Auction on Nov. 12 ELKO, Nevada NEWMONT MINING, the world's largest gold producer, is the first Quadrem eMarketplace member to take... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:30 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS MIRARCO, Tahera, Twin Mining, Goldbrook, Landore, Metallic Ventures, Unigold Last month at its annual general meeting, MIRARCO elected George Pirie of Placer Dome its new chairman to take over... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 15, 2003 | 4:30 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Environmentalists Rage Against Inco Worldwide A company cannot be the Western World's largest nickel producer without attracting some attention, but this is not... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 9, 2003 | 12:44 am