GOLD DEVELOPMENT NEWS Venezuela to Review CVG-Crystallex Contract CARACAS Venezuela's mines and energy ministry will review a contract signed by state heavy industry holding compa... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:05 pm
GOLD-COPPER PRODUCTION Improvements Continue at Kemess Mine SMITHERS, British Columbia Having posted record operating and production results (see Net News, Oct. 15), NORTHGA... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:04 pm
CONFERENCE NEWS South African Networking TORONTO, Ontario The CANADA-SOUTH AFRICA CHAMBER OF BUSINESS is arranging a meeting between African mining indust... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:03 pm
CONFERENCE NEWS Mining in Quebec MONTREAL, Quebec The first FORUM MINIER, planned for the Inter-Continental Hotel in Montreal on Nov. 13-14, promi... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:02 pm
ENGINEERING CONTRACT NEWS Met-Chem in Venezuela MONTREAL, Quebec The CONSORTIUM DURO FELGUERA/MET-CHEM has won the engineering contract for a new iron ore concen... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:02 pm
LUBRICATION NEWS Better Protection for Cat Transmissions and Drive Trains TORONTO, Ontario PETRO-CANADA has launched Produro TO-4+, a premium line of transmission and drive train oils spe... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:01 pm
MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Syncrude, Fasken Martineau, Celtic, Desert Sun, Goldstake, Firestone, Tan Range, Quantum, Meridian, Castleworth, BCMinerals SYNCRUDE CANADA has announced that Eric Newell, chairman and CEO, will be retiring on Dec. 15. He is an officer of... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 29, 2003 | 6:00 pm
DOING SOME DIGGING Kudos to Canada’s Top Employers It doesn't surprise me much that BHP BILLITON DIAMONDS is one of Canada's top employers. So are DOFASCO, SHELL CANA... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 22, 2003 | 3:40 pm
NET GAINS Northern Miner Relaunches Web Site TORONTO, Ontario There is no other way to say it, the relaunched NORTHERN MINER ONLINE is, indeed, new and improv... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 22, 2003 | 3:39 pm
GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS High Grades Drilled at NICO Deposit GREAT SLAVE LAKE, Northwest Territories FORTUNE MINERALS of London, Ont., is reporting more high-grade results fr... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 22, 2003 | 3:38 pm
DIAMOND EXPLORATION NEWS New Dyke is Diamondiferous LUPIN, Nunavut The new kimberlite dyke discovered last summer on TAHERA CORP.'s Jericho claims is diamondiferous,... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 22, 2003 | 3:35 pm
COPPER-GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Aurogin Expands Land Package at Rambler BAIE VERTE, Newfoundland Toronto's AUROGIN RESOURCES has added two more claim groups to its land package near the... Canadian Mining Journal Staff | October 22, 2003 | 3:34 pm