Sudbury unveils new online map showcasing city’s mining operations

The City of Greater Sudbury has created a new online map that will be showcasing mining facilities, mining suppliers, and any related […]
Online map of mining operations and suppliers. CREDIT: City of Greater Sudbury.

The City of Greater Sudbury has created a new online map that will be showcasing mining facilities, mining suppliers, and any related mining infrastructure.

The city unveiled the new map at the annual Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention held in Toronto last week. The city expressed the hope that the map would lead investors and mining operators linking Sudbury with mining.

A notice on social media about the unveiling read: "This map showcases some of the key mining projects happening in the Sudbury Basin and gives a visual overview of the Basin that many have not seen before. We will be updating it regularly as things change, open and evolve.”

He map can be located online at this website. The map can also be downloaded and viewed in a larger PDF format.

The document outlines locations and operations for Vale Base Metals, Glencore Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations and Magna Mining among others. It also showcases important public infrastructure sites, such as railways, highway and air transportation links. 

The map also shows how Sudbury has supply links to IAMGOLD's Côté Gold project near Gogama and the Ring of Fire deposit in Northwestern Ontario.

The online map page also promotes the city's role as a centre of mining knowledge. 

The website reads: “Greater Sudbury is home to the largest integrated mining complex in the world. It is located on a famous geological feature that has one of the largest concentrations of nickel-copper sulphides on the planet.”

“We are home to North America’s highest concentration of mining expertise. From capital equipment to consumables, engineering to mine construction and contracting, from mapping to automation and communications – our companies are innovators. If you’re looking for the latest in mining technology or thinking of establishing a presence in the industry – you should be looking to Sudbury.”


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