Ontario signs agreement for roads infrastructure investment in Ring of Fire region

The Ontario government is announcing a historic investment in roads and electricity transmission infrastructure for First Nations in the Ring of Fire […]
Reliable transportation in Canada’s North will encourage resource development and economic opportunities. (Credit: Northern Ontario Business)

The Ontario government is announcing a historic investment in roads and electricity transmission infrastructure for First Nations in the Ring of Fire region. This agreement comes on the heels of an announcement by the federal Impact Assessment Agency of Canada that it has invited 15 First Nations from the region for a regional assessment.

The Ontario government and Aroland First Nation signed an agreement to invest in key infrastructure for the Ring of Fire area in the far reaches of Northern Ontario. Aroland First Nation is located at what is known as the “gateway” to the Ring of Fire, 60 km north of Geraldton on Highway 584/643.

The Ring of Fire is an area rich in mineral deposits in northern Ontario, about 540 km northeast of Thunder Bay.

The first part of the investment is for upgrading Anaconda and Painter Lake Roads, which are important connections on the road to the Ring of Fire, as well as major new investments in infrastructure and energy transmission in the region. Both the provincial government and the First Nation believe the agreements that are in place with other First Nations partners along the entire proposed length of the roads to the Ring of Fire help set the stage for further potential partnerships.

According to Ontario government sources, the agreement builds on the letters of confirmation signed by Premier Ford in June 2024 that included maintenance and upgrades to Highway 584 and Highway 11. Anaconda and Painter Lake Roads connect to these vital infrastructure links via Highway 643 and will one day connect to the proposed Marten Falls Community Access Road, Northern Road Link and Webequie Supply Road, linking Martin Falls First Nation and Webequie First Nation to the Ontario highway network and providing access to the Ring of Fire.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford commented, “With the risk of U.S. tariffs, it’s never been more important for us to work together to do everything possible to keep our economy competitive. At the top of the list is unlocking the economic potential of the Ring of Fire region. These partnerships will transform Northern Ontario with new jobs, growth and opportunities throughout the region. I’m grateful to Chief Sonny Gagnon and Aroland First Nation for their partnership as we sign this historic agreement.”

The agreement also includes a $70 million investment to advance route and design planning of the Greenstone electricity transmission line, working with Aroland First Nation, Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek, Ginoogaming First Nation, Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek, Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek and Red Rock Indian Band.

The Ontario government mentioned that Aroland First Nation has expressed an interest in acting as a proponent for the development of a transload facility and a host community for a smelter. Ontario will support Aroland in considering these opportunities.

Finally, the province has also announced it will provide $20 million for community infrastructure projects that support business development, boost community well-being and preparedness to participate in economic activities related to mineral development.  Additionally, the agreement provides for up to $2.27 million for a comprehensive community plan to support business development and community wellness.

The agreement is also connected to broader resource revenue sharing with First Nation in the region. Ontario government officials have stated they will be inviting Aroland First Nation and potentially other interested nearby First Nations to hold discussions to establish an agreement to share the economic benefits of forestry and mining operations in the region.

This provincial agreement comes on the heels of a federal announcement by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to engage with 15 First Nations in the region to a regional assessment process to determine ongoing issues related to the Ring of Fire mining development. Ontario and the federal government have been at odds over development in the Ring of Fire region, with both sides blaming the other for not doing enough to invest in critical infrastructure and engage in Indigenous consultations.


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