Atac hunts for more Carlin-style gold at Rackla

VANCOUVER — Geologists quickly learn to not lick the rocks when visiting Atac Resources (TSXV: ATC; US-OTC: ATADF) Rackla gold property, 100 km northeast […]






VANCOUVER — Geologists quickly learn to not lick the rocks when visiting Atac Resources (TSXV: ATC; US-OTC: ATADF) Rackla gold property, 100 km northeast of Keno City in eastern Yukon. The last gasp of Carlin-style gold mineralization that flushed through the region stained the crust with orpiment and realgar – bright red and orange sulphide minerals teeming with arsenic. The Northern Miner and a handful of newsletter writers and analysts carefully dug through one such outcrop at the property’s Osiris Cluster during a site visit in July 2017. At the time, the company was in the midst of a 15,000-metre drill program, largely aimed at expanding high grade mineralization at Conrad and Sunrise, two of the four main targets at Osiris. During a follow up interview in January, Atac’s president and CEO Graham Downs tells The Northern Miner the results from the $10 million program were satisfying. “We wanted to step-out and build resources this year, and we did just that,” Downs says. “We found new zones of mineralization and hit where we thought we’d hit — that really speaks to the style of the deposit and strength of the system.” Continue reading at The Northern Miner.


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