Canadian mines take backseat to world’s iron ore, copper giants

While our latest feature section is filled with top-10 lists of Canadian mining and its burgeoning junior exploration and development sector, it’s […]



While our latest feature section is filled with top-10 lists of Canadian mining and its burgeoning junior exploration and development sector, it’s always good to take a step back and look at where the big money in mining is truly made: in iron ore and copper; by British, Australian and Brazilian firms; and from mines in Australia, Brazil and Chile. Alex De Leon from S&P Global Market Intelligence compiled a list of the “Top-50 most valuable mines” as part of the firm’s Worldwide Mine Production Trends series, which ranks the top-producing mines by the five most valuable mined commodities — gold, copper, iron ore, nickel and zinc (even diamonds and coal don’t make the cut), and counting only the primary mined commodity by nominal production value in 2016. Iron ore mines account for 20 of the top-50 mines, tied with copper mines. The other 10 mines are divided between gold (five mines), zinc (three) and nickel (two). Continue reading at The Northern Miner.


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