Teranga Gold Corp. has been notified that it is the winner of the 2017 Environmental and Social Responsibility Award from the
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada. The award will be made at the gala during next year’s annual PDAC meeting in March.
"We are very proud to receive the PDAC Environmental and Social Responsibility Award," stated Richard Young, president and Chief Executive CEO of Teranga. "As guests in the countries in which we operate, we understand that we must earn the trust of our hosts.
“To achieve this,” he said in a release, “we have taken a transparent, consultative and collaborative approach with government and communities to develop initiatives that will make long lasting contributions within the region around our Sabodala mine … Our goal is to deliver on our shared vision of success with our communities to maximize long term sustainable value in the communities in which we operate."
Teranga has received several awards for its CSR efforts to-date. Most recently, in June 2016, the company received the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Award by Global Compact Network Canada in recognition for its efforts in advancing the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals within its core business strategy. Additionally, Teranga has been acknowledged by Corporate Knights Future 40 Responsible Corporate Leaders in Canada for three consecutive years and in 2015 was ranked 17
To learn more about the Sabadola gold mine in Senegal, go to