Slam Exploration of Miramichi, NB, has stripped three high grade sections of the Maisie gold deposit in preparation for milling gold-bearing material. Maisie is part of Slam’s Menneval project in the northwest part of the province.
During stripping, a number of visible gold sightings were made in the exposed sections. The company says this is consistent with the mineralization trenched in 2013 when samples ranged from 4.17 g/t Au over 1.0 metre to as high as 49.5 g/t over 0.45 metre. Previous diamond drilling indicates that high grade gold shoots extend to a depth of at least 30 metres.
Slam will treat the Maisie 2,000-tonne bulk sample in a modular plant consisting of a hammer mill, classifier and two shaking tables. No drilling or blasting is necessary to collect the sample.
No resource estimate compliant with NI 43-101 definitions is available. Click on the SLAM website at for more detailed information about the Menneval gold project.