Appia Energy Corp. has contracted
Geotech to fly a 162 line-KM VTEM™
plus time-domain electromagnetic survey with additional magnetic and radiometric components over the Alces Lake Property, comprising 1,518 ha, 34 km east-northeast of Uranium City. Appia owns 90% of the Property.
The planned VTEM™
plus survey will be carried out over the property where earlier exploration programs conducted by Appia identified REE mineralization plus uranium and thorium, and identified a new zone, designated as the Ivan zone, with outcrop and boulder train samples exhibiting radioactivity levels in excess of 56,000 cps. Total REEs in 12 samples range from 1.1% to 35.7% by weight.
Geotech's proprietary VTEM
plus airborne survey is the leading time-domain electromagnetic system in the world. The coincident, vertical dipole transmitter-receiver configuration provides a symmetric system response. Any asymmetry in the measured EM profile is due to the conductor dip, not the system or direction of flying. This allows for easy identification of the conductor location and for interpretation of the EM data.
Geotech says its low noise receiver plus the high power transmitter yields a system with the best signal-to-noise ratio of any airborne EM survey system available commercially. Please visit