GOLD: Abitibi Geophys OreVision survey finds two anomalies at Aiguebelle-Goldfields

QUEBEC – Typhoon Exploration of Montreal has received results from the first OreVision® test survey completed on the Aiguebelle-Goldfields property northeast of Rouyn-Noranda. […]
QUEBEC – Typhoon Exploration of Montreal has received results from the first OreVision® test survey completed on the Aiguebelle-Goldfields property northeast of Rouyn-Noranda. Five 1-km long lines were completed in the extension of the Fayolle deposit, an area devoid of any outcrop. The survey and interpretation performed by Abitibi Geophysics ( gave the indication of two clear, ready to drill anomalies with the following characteristics: continuous and strongly dipping; east-west orientation; modeled as having weak pyrite content (5%) similar to other gold targets in the area; and connecting Fayolle and another satellite mineralized trend. Neither of the two newly outlined anomalies have ever been drilled. The OreVision® survey is a new IP configuration developed by Abitibi Geophysics specifically to detect weak chargeability signals distinct from overburden effects. This method is particularly suited to explore gold deposits of the Abitibi Belt. Typical gold mineralization of the Aiguebelle-Goldfields property and adjoining Fayolle property is mainly hosted in altered dykes and ultramafic rocks characterized by a low content of disseminated pyrite, according to Typhoon. The Aiguebelle-Goldfields is owned 51% by Typhoon and 49% by Agnico Eagle Mines.


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