SASKATCHEWAN – Winter drilling at Patterson Lake South is just as productive as that done in any other season.
Fission Uranium Corp. says recent work has intersected high grades to both the east and west of the Triple R deposit in the Athabasca Basin.
Seven holes were drilled on the R600W zone, three on the R780E zone, and one on the R1620E zone. High grade mineralization in the R600W zone was extended 20 metres down dip. In the R780E zone it was extended 20 metres up dip. One key result came from hole PLS16-460 in the R1620E zone – 8.04 total composite mineralization >10,000 cps in a section 82.5 metres long beginning at 65.5 metres below surface.
Additional hand-held scintillometer results are available in the news release of Feb. 16, 2016, ]posted at