MINING PEOPLE: Beaufield, GoGold, and Kennady Diamonds

Beaufield Resources of Montreal has named Mathieu Stephens its new VP exploration and corporate development. A graduate of the University of Montreal […]
Beaufield Resources of Montreal has named Mathieu Stephens its new VP exploration and corporate development. A graduate of the University of Montreal and Ecole des Haute Etudes Commerciales Montreal, he was formerly the company’s senior and chief geologist. Brad Langille is now president and CEO of Halifax-based GoGold Resources. He was a founder and senior officer of Gammon Gold and Mexgold Resources. Former GoGold president and CEO Terry Coughlan has relinquished those roles but remains chairman of the board. Kennady Diamonds of Toronto has appointed Claudia Tornquist to its board of directors. She previously worked at Sandstorm Gold and Rio Tinto.


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