QUEBEC – Arianne Phosphate of Chicoutimi, QC, has signed a co-operation agreement for the Lac a Paul project with three First Nations Innu from Pessamit, Essipit and Mashteuiatsh. All parties will now negotiate the final impact and benefits agreements.
The Lac a Paul phosphate deposits are located about 200 km north of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. The project has proven and probable reserves of 472.09 million tonnes averaging 6.88% P2O5 (3.5% cut-off) in three zones. The largest, the Paul zone, has measured and indicated resources of 590.24 million tonnes grading 7.13% P2O5 and an inferred resources of 9.81 million tonnes grading 5.89% (4.0% cut-off).
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