YUKON – North American Tungsten Corp. of Vancouver has received a positive environmental decision for its Mactung tungsten mine near MacMillan Pass. The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board issued its final screening report that recommends that the "Mactung mine project be allowed to proceed without (further) review."
North American Tungsten stated its intention to develop the property "in due course" with the participation of the local Kaska Dena and Nacho Nyak Dun first nations.
The feasibility study prepared in 2011 outlines a 2,000 t/d mill and underground cut and fill mine. Ore will be processed to both a premium gravity concentrate (67% WO3) and a flotation concentrate (55% WO3). The probable underground reserve is 8.5 million tonnes grading 1.082% WO3. Capital cost was estimated at $356.5 million plus $45.6 million for contingency.
The technical Mactung technical reports are posted at NATungsten.com.