AWARD: Cummins Westport given SAFE energy prize

VANCOUVER – Cummins Westport Inc. is receiving one of the inaugural "Energy Security Prize" Advanced Technology Awards from Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE). The award will be presented at the OPEC Oil Embargo +40: A National...

VANCOUVER – Cummins Westport Inc. is receiving one of the inaugural "Energy Security Prize" Advanced Technology Awards from Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE). The award will be presented at the OPEC Oil Embargo +40: A National Summit on Energy Security conference this afternoon in Washington, D.C.

"Both of Cummins Westport's parent companies - Cummins Inc. and Westport Innovations Inc. - have been pioneers in the use of natural gas for transportation for more than 20 years," said Cummins Westport president Jim Arthurs, who will be accepting the award on the company's behalf. "Our joint venture has been a major force in commercializing these engines and making them available for use in transit, refuse and truck applications in both North America and around the world. We appreciate the recognition of SAFE, and the honor of being one of the first recipients of this award."

The Securing America's Future Energy prize is designed to recognize emerging and advanced technologies which have the ability to significantly reduce America's dependence on petroleum-based fuels. The prize is designed to both recognize and reward innovators who are helping to find alternatives to oil dependence.

Cummins Westport is being recognized for its ground-breaking spark-ignited natural gas engine technology that has been adopted by leading transit agencies, waste management companies and truck fleets. Cummins Westport engines use 100% compressed, liquefied or renewable natural gas, which is primarily a domestically sourced fuel in the United States.

The prize is being awarded during A National Summit on Energy Security in Washington, D.C. The Summit brings together nationally recognized business and political leaders to discuss the state of U.S. energy security and the most promising technological solutions to reduce U.S. oil dependence.

Learn more about Cummins Westport at


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